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Friday, March 9, 2012

One month old

Holy Smokes!!
Time is flying at our house.
I seriously can't believe Logan is already a month old. He is an absolute joy and I am in no hurry for him to grow up.......other than maybe a little more sleep for me :)
He is in size 0-3 month clothes and wears size 1 diapers. He is still eating anywhere from every 1-4 hours. Up until 2 nights ago he has been sleeping in bed with us. He grunts and groans even while deep asleep and I was not able to sleep through it so he got the boot! Yep! Thats right......he is in his crib. Now he wont sleep laying flat so I put the top of his swing in the crib and he does rather well with that. I will cross that bridge another day. For now, as long as he is sleeping I'm ok with it.
He had a bottle about a week ago and took it well. Since then he has done great adjusting from the occasional bottle to nursing. Despite the, what seems to be, endless pumping it is great and gives me a bit of freedom to get out of the house.
He will turn his head when he hears Josh or my voices in the room and coo's like a champ. *Melt my heart*
We are totally in love with him, (Kinsey included) and if the next month goes as fast as this one I had better slow down and really cherish this.


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