Love this guy like nothing else!!'
Note: The monthly pic is getting harder and harder to capture as he becomes more mobile!
What Logan is up to:
Size 4 diapers
Fits best in 12 month clothes but can squeeze into 9 month
Takes a bottle or sippy cup every 4 hours
Still all formula
Eats with us at the table 2 times a day
Eats what we are having just little
Its a total carbo-aholic.
Even though I offer the fruit or vegetables first he doesnt really like them
Naps twice a day if we are home in the morning but can skip am nap if needed
Takes a good afternoon nap, usually 1.5-3 hours
Goes to bed at 8pm
Still wakes up about 3 or 4 to eat and then goes back to sleep until 8 or 9
Goes to sleep easily on his own
Still no teeth
Needier than all heck and loves to be held
Loves sissy more than anything and will sit at her bedroom door until she wakes up
Seems to be equally loving of mommy and daddy
Can say dadda, momma, dog
Can wave on command:)
Has a smile like none it.
Crawls very quickly but still prefers to scoot on his bottom
Can pull up onto things easily
Getting down is not so easy and most times you will just cry signaling to me you are ready to get down
As 1 year quickly approaches I find myself trying oh so hard to enjoy each day with you little man. As of recently I find myself seeing you more as a toddler than a baby and it saddens me. I love baby you. But my heart is eager to get to know toddler you. You are amazing and I cherish you baby boy!!
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