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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A little love to the baby

Seems like lately the blog has been a little heavy on Kinsey. Mainly because she is now involved in things and  I want to remember those things. But just because Logan is not involved in activities doesnt mean he gets any less love. In fact, I could love on him all day every day. He is growing so quickly and I don't want to forget once single second of this little guys life.

Logan is now 16 months old. He walks everywhere and I am recently able to understand words he is saying. He says more, milk, all done, dog, light and many other words very distinctly. He is still a very picky eater and would live on crackers and milk if I let him. He loves playing with all types of trucks/cars/pretty much anything with wheels. He is ok being 100% dirty! Total boy

He is a mommas boy when he is tired, hurt or needs something. Any other time he only wants his daddy! He is a cuddler and loves to be rocked to sleep. He loves his big sissy to the moon and back. He sleeps all night and usually wakes between 7 and 8. He can miss his morning nap if we are out and busy but always takes a good solid afternoon nap.

Logan you are so special to my heart. I love every single day I have with you. You are strong willed yet very tender. Those blue eyes are piercing. I am so lucky to be your mom and love this time of your life. I love watching you grow and discover new things. I can't wait to see what God has in store for your life but for right now I am going to cherish every single minute I can with you as the baby!!!


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