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Friday, June 13, 2014

Kate is 1 month

Kate turned one month old last week. It is so hard to believe she has been in our lives for a whole month. It has passed so quickly yet it seems like she has always been a part of our family.
She is still up every few hours to eat at night. She starts out in the top of her swing and then ends up in bed with me during the night. She loves to be swaddled and sleeps best the tighter she is:)
She weighed 5lbs 6oz and is wearing premie clothes still. Although a few of those are getting snug. She is in newborn diapers. 
She is awake for longer periods of time and is making good eye contact. 
She lays on her tummy and can turn her head from one side to the next although it is a challenge for her. 
She doesn't seem to mind her carseat except when we stop at stoplights. Then she lets out a cry to let us know she wants to be moving again:)
Her big brother and sister love to hold and kiss her. There is no shortage of love in this home for her:)
She is such a blessing to our family and has taught us so much in the short time she has been here. 
I am expecting her to be behind on some of her milestones which has been the hardest part for me. No mom wants to think their child may not be able to do things that other babies their age are but I must remember that she is still so small. So for now I will give her time and lots and lots of love!!
Cheers to packing on some fat and holding that head up really well at month #2!


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