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Monday, August 18, 2014

3 months old

I can't believe it has been 10 days since Kate has turned 3 months old. It has gone by so fast yet so slow at the same time. 
She has made some great improvements in the last month. 
She just now made it into size 1 diapers. Whoo hoo!
She is still in newborn clothes, although they are getting a little big more snug and I think she will be in 0-3 months by the time she turns 4 months.
She still nurses only  but when I am at work we do add a bit of formula to her bottles. Added calories cant hurt her right?!:)
She is waking up only once a night to eat. Somewhere between 3 and 5am and goes to bed about 9:30.
The first part of the night she sleeps in her rock and play in the living room and then comes to bed with me after her feeding.
Napping is still rough. She prefers to be held while she naps or me to lay down next to her. I am not sure whether she is just super sensitive to sound but the kids seem to disturb her during the day. I have tried a fan and a radio and a white noise machine in her room while she naps and she cant seem to get into a good deep sleep. I have tried on the boppy and in the rock and play and she does ok for 30mins or so but not much longer.
Jessica is a magician and can get her to take good long naps. Like 3 to 4 hr naps.!! Glad she is getting some good sleep while I am at work. (Maybe I am the problem:))
She smiles a ton!
She coos and talks a little but not a bunch. Not sure if she just isnt a vocal baby or it is cmv related. 
She is very very alert and loves to watch the big kids.
Her new favorite position is to be propped up on the big boppy against the couch so she cant watch her surroundings. She is much more content this way and I actually can have my arms free for short periods of time.
It seems these last couple weeks that she has become more content. She doesnt cry all the time anymore. She is still a bit more difficult than the other kids were but I have noticed her disposition change a bit. 
Her dimple is the cutest thing ever and her smiles are contagious. 
He head control is making progress. I can tell she is becoming stronger. She can hold it up for short periods of time while reclined on my chest. She is working so hard on controlling it and has made great strides. She absolutely hates tummy time and I try the best I can with it. I will usually wait until she is getting hungry then she fusses for a bit while on her tummy and then I feed her to calm her down afterward.
She is still on her antiviral medications and had her levels checked a couple of weeks ago. When she started the meds  her cmv levels were 8490. As of one month on the meds her cmv levels were 600 (or barely detectable). Her doctor was beyond happy with these results and so are we! She will have 4 more months left on the medications. 
She has a repeat hearing evaluation in a couple of weeks to make sure that her left ear is still hearing well. My prayer is that this medication has stopped any possibility of the hearing loss moving to her left ear!

Goodness I love her so much! I am so honored God chose me as her mommy. She continues to be a blessing to our family and I cannot wait to watch you grow and get stronger. We will not let cmv hold us back!!!


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