Welcome to our life


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Big 3-2

Last weekend Josh turned 32!!! For some reason he says that sounds super old. Guess its because you are well into your thirties by this time and forty is slowly creeping up. EEKKK.
Anyways.......The kids and I decorated the house and had a surprise party for him after work on Friday. 
Streamers and balloons everywhere. We heard the garage door going up and went to hide behind the couch. Im sure he had no idea what was going on, especially with the little giggles coming from the living room:)
But he was a good sport and acted surprised!
The kids loved decorating and wearing the party hats. 
I snapped a pic of all three kids for his office as his present. Nothing fancy around here but I knew it was something he wanted.
We had dinner with some friends that night and the big kids had a slumber party at the church. 

Our family is so blessed by you Josh. You are a wonderful husband and father and I hope you know just how much you mean to all of us!


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