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Monday, April 13, 2015

Daddy Daughter Date Night(s)

This year Kinsey and Josh got to have two big date nights!! Maize high had a "dance" for dads and daughters. Kinsey got all dressed up and asked Josh to wear a suit. 
There was a dessert bar and photo set up and then of course the dance floor. 
She came home so giddy and excited. 
Kinseys friend Maggie and her dad went too. The girls were so excited and Josh may or may not have complained of a strained back muscle after busting a move on the dance floor.......you arent a young chap anymore dear :)

They also did their 3rd annual daddy daughter date night at chick fil a. Once again they weren't let down by all of the decorations and ammenities set up for the dads and daughters. Kinsey did have a little melt down....the story goes like this. The song "dancing with cinderlla" came on and she told josh "dad this is your favorite song." Josh told her it was one of his favorite songs and that it also made him a little sad because one day she would grow up and get married and have a family of her own. Josh said that Kinsey stopped suddenly and you could see the wheels turning in her head. He said she then began to tear up and ultimately start sobbing (in the middle of dinner). He brought her to his lap and asked what is wrong. She told him she never wanted to leave mommy and daddy and wanted to be with us always. He was able to calm her down and enjoy the rest of the night. After they got home he was telling me the story and she walked in on the end of it. Once she knew what we were talking about the tears started flowing again. She kept saying she never wanted to leave us. 
My heart ached that she was so sad but I so love the fact that in her little mind she could never imagine being without us or even wanting to be away from us. Melt my heart. Since then we have avoided that song and had no other issues :)

I am so grateful for the relationship Kinsey and Josh have. 


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