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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Moms Day

Mothers day was great. I am so lucky to have an awesome husband and kiddies that like to celebrate the day. Flowers, a sweet card and some quality time were at the top of my favorites list this year.

That morning we had the kids dedication at church. Our whole family was there! Such an amazing feeling to know that we have the love and support of them as we navigate through raising our children to love Jesus in this world we live in. Its great that we have friends and family that can hold us and them accountable and be there to support them as they grow and start to venture out more:(
Logan was a hot mess that morning, waking up at 5:45. By the time of the dedication he was sleep deprived and wanted us all to know about it. Daddy did great keeping his composure and saying some super sweet things about our little babies!! Directly after the dedication ceremony Logan had a major blowout and had to change into the almost too small winter clothes I had packed as spares at the bottom of the diaper bag.

After church we had lunch with my parents and then this momma got a nap! *Highlight of the day*
The rest of the day included plenty of outside play and a little family dinner at home. 
I cherish these times with our sweet kiddos as I know that all too soon they will be grown and have families of their own. 
Thank you Jesus for blessing me with the two most special human beings I know.


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