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Friday, May 10, 2013

Rockin this weather

Man!!! Now that spring has finally decided to arrive, we can get out and enjoy it!
We have been out every afternoon after naps this week and have been loving it. Its a good thing Kinseys bff lives next door because that girl doesnt like to play alone!
We even broke out the sprinkler and swim suits and the girls went crazy!! I love watching them have a blast! Kinsey and Kenliegh had a contest to see who could run up and touch the alligators head! That does equal a blast in the face with water but when there is a competition you have to get brave:) Logan was asleep for most of this but did wake up long enough to come out and get soaked!

One afternoon we brought out Kinseys kitchen set and cooked outside. I brought some pots and pans out and was served pancakes!:) Love her imagination. Logan liked this and they played together for quite awhile. In fact I may have even gotten a tan!:)

I sure hope this weather is here to stay because a girl could get used to this:)


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