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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

She's Here!!!

Wow! That is all I can say. Little miss Kinsey Peyton was born at 2:45 Jan 1st. She weighed in at 6lbs6oz and is 19 and 1/4 inches long. She is absolutely perfect.

On New Years Eve I began having pretty regular contractions at noon. I was scheduled to work that night and was worried about calling in to work only to have a false alarm. I have never done this child birth thing before and was not sure it was the real thing. As the day progressed so did the contractions. Josh and I went walking at the mall that evening to hopefully speed things along. It seemed that it worked. After getting home around 8:00pm the contractions were stronger and more regular. About 11:30 I decided it was time. We went to the hospital. The Dr checked me only to find that I was only 1-2 cm dilated. Talk about the biggest let down ever. I cried and cried. They told us that we needed to walk the halls for the next hour and then they were going to check me again to see if I was making any progress. We rang in the New Year walking up and down the halls at St Joe. They checked me again and I had not changed. I angrily put my clothes back on and went home. The nurses said that it could even be a few more days until we see any changes. I was so let down. The second we got home the contractions were almost unbearable. I was in tears on the floor. I did not want to go back in fear of another false alarm so I toughed it out for another 2 hours. At that point I could not take the pain anymore. We headed back up to the hospital. They were suprised to see me. After checking me I was dilated to a 4 and it was official....I was in labor. This is all at 3:30am. We called all of our families to let them know. They admitted me and then ordered my epidural. All I can say is that the epidural was amazing. I felt nothing. No pain whatsoever. I was absolutely numb from mid stomach down. It was the weirdest feeling. I had to lift my legs myself if I wanted to change positions in bed. At about 2:00 New years day afternoon they said I was completely dilated and it was time to push. Because I was completely numb I had no idea what or where I was pushing. It seemed to work though because after 45mins of painless pushing she was born. Absolutely perfect. I cannot describe the feeling. I loved this little baby sooooo much. Josh and I were both a mess of tears. He went over to meet here while I was finishing up. When they brought her over to us we looked at eachother and never in my life have I been happier. It was the most special moment and I will never forget that feeling as long as I live. Our family and friends then came in to meet little Kinsey. There were tears everywhere. After a short stay at the hospital we went home. It was so nice to be settled in. We have the most fantastic friends and family as they all planned meals for us for the next week. We are so grateful.

As of now Kinsey eats, sleeps and poops. And she is so perfect doing it. We went to the doctor today and she is back up to 6lbs4oz after losing some. He is completely happy with that and said she looks great.

Our lives will never be the same. We have brought this little being into the world and are now responsible for her. I am so anxious to see the person she grows to be. I love her more than anything and feel like my life is complete. Thank you so much Josh for giving her to me.

P.S. I will add pics later......I need to tend to my princess.


Melissa said...

awww congrats! Can't wait to see pics! She was an early one! :) hope your doing well

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